Dahlia Bishop's Children


Dahlia Bishop’s Children


Few people know that the Dahlia was originally introduced as a food root crop rather than as an ornamental. Dahlias are easy and cheap to grow from seed. This beautiful Dahlia mix is known for its dark purple foliage and a vibrant array of flower colours in vivid pink, coral and orange. It makes a stunning and productive cutting flower but we also like to eat the tubers which can be made into delicious rosti. The prettiest root veg you can grow!

Average 20 seeds.

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120 in stock

How to grow this seed

Additional Information

Growing Information

Sowing info

Sow February to April and germinate at 20-30C on the surface of damp peat free compost and just cover to a depth of around 5mm. Seedlings will appear in around 7-21 days. Do not exclude light at any stage, as this helps germination. Grow on in cooler, well lit conditions for 10-15 days before planting out after all risk of frost, 30cm apart.

Growing info

Deadhead faded flowers to encourage more blooms to be produced. Prefers a moist, well drained soil in full sun. Tubers may be lifted and overwintered frost free for use the following year; the perfect opportunity to remove a few for winter meals.

Timings and Position

Sowing Months: February – May
Harvest Months: July – October
Position: Full sun

Key information

Weight 0.004 kg
Dimensions 13.2 × 9.5 × 0.2 cm

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Sow Month

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