Petunia Superbissima


Petunia Superbissima


These stunning edible flowers are in colours from pinks to purples in both veined and starred varieties.  Flowers are extremely  large, up to 10-15cm wide and can be made into delicious violet and pink coloured cherry flavoured syrups to use as drinks, garnishes for cocktails.

Final height 30 – 35cm

Average 80 seeds.

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How to grow this seed

Additional Information

Growing Information

Sowing info

Easy to sow direct outdoors where they are to grow from April to May. Choose a position in full sun on well drained soil. Sow seeds thinly, at a depth of 1cm. Germination usually takes 5-10 days. When calendula seedlings are large enough to handle, thin them out to 30cm apart. Alternatively, sow indoors from March to April. When seedlings are large enough to handle, transplant and grow them on in cooler conditions until large enough to plant outdoors. For winter or early spring flowering, sow calendula in late summer or early autumn and grow plants on in an unheated greenhouse.

Growing info

Deadhead faded calendula flowers to encourage more blooms to be produced and prevent them from self seeding. Keep well watered to prevent powdery mildew.

Timings and Position

Sowing Months: February – May
Harvest Months: July – October
Position: Full sun

Key information

Weight 0.005 kg
Dimensions 13.2 × 9.5 × 0.2 cm


Sow Month

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