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This modern heirloom tomato couldn’t have been more aptly named. The lemon yellow fruit is produced in astonishing profusion on massive trusses that hang like huge bunches of grapes. Barry’s Crazy Cherry was developed by breeder Brad Gate of Wild Boar Farm. Their flavour is mild and sweet with little to no acidity, so are loved by kids. Just grab a truss and start snacking.
Indeterminate/Cordon variety. Shows some natural blight resistance in our trials
Average 10 seeds.
87 in stock
390 in stock
33 in stock
132 in stock
Surface sow seeds in small pots of moist, peat-free compost and just cover. Tomatoes are fast growing plants, so best started in mid to late spring. They need heat to germinate, and benefit from lots of light, so supplement both if necessary. Germination takes place within 1-2 weeks.
Once plants reach roughly 20cm in height, start feeding with quarter strength organic feed. Pot on when roots are visible through drainage holes and plant out after last frost. Will require support. Remove side shoots and lower 50% of foliage to maintain straight, healthy plants. Though tomatoes can be grown outside, they will perform better for longer in a polytunnel or greenhouse.
Sowing Months: February – May Harvest Months: July – October Position: Full sun
Rare Seeds
February, March, April, May
365 in stock
19 in stock
257 in stock
55 in stock
125 in stock
106 in stock
303 in stock
200 in stock
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