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A light green giant heirloom kohlrabi, this one stays sweet and tender even at a really large size! Its resistance to bolting and splitting is a huge plus. Its turnip/cabbage like flavour means it’s great cooked in stews and casseroles or eaten raw in salads or coleslaws.
Average 100 seeds.
304 in stock
120 in stock
111 in stock
199 in stock
Kohlrabi seedlings dislike root disturbance, so best sown 1cm into modular trays and planted out approx 5 weeks later. Grow on in a well-lit frost-free place and harden off before planting out.
Take care to plant the seedlings with the top of the root ball level with the soil surface, as the swollen stems will develop from just above ground. Kohlrabi is ready to harvest within two to three months. Cut them at the root and remove the oldest leaves to help keep the plant fresh.
Sowing Months: February – May Harvest Months: July – October Position: Full sun
Chef's Selection
February, March, April, May, June, July, August
99 in stock
217 in stock
422 in stock
160 in stock
173 in stock
110 in stock
195 in stock
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