Brussel Sprout Red Bull


Brussel Sprout Red Bull


A deep purple brussel sprout, packed with antioxidants that only gets more purple with colder weather.  Their colour is retained even when you cook them which makes them a great addition to your plate in winter, with a delicious nutty flavour.

Final height 75cm

Average 20 seeds.

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How to grow this seed

Additional Information

Growing Information

Sowing info

Sow in module trays throughout spring summer at a depth of 13mm to ensure a continuous crop. Germination 12-20 days.

Growing info

Transplant when large enough to handle, allowing 45cm between plants each way. If the weather is dry, water in well when transplanting. Firm planting will ensure solid hearts.

Timings and Position

Sowing Months: March – July
Harvest Months: November – March
Position: Full sun

Key information

Weight 0.005 kg
Dimensions 13.2 × 9.5 × 0.2 cm


Sow Month

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