Kohlrabi Dyna


Kohlrabi Dyna


This heirloom has a gorgeous purple bulb with contrasting bright green stalked leaves that will really stand out in your veg garden or allotment. The turnip/cabbage like flavour makes it great cooked in casseroles and stews or raw in coleslaw. Leaves can be also harvested and cooked like kale.

Average 100 seeds.

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How to grow this seed

Additional Information

Growing Information

Sowing info

Purple varieties are hardier so are perfect for succession sowing from late winter all the way though to late summer. Kohlrabi seedlings dislike root disturbance, so best sown 1cm into modular trays and planted out approx 5 weeks later. Grow on in a well-lit frost-free place and harden off before planting out.

Growing info

Take care to plant the seedlings with the top of the root ball level with the soil surface, as the swollen stems will develop from just above ground. Kohlrabi is ready to harvest within two to three months. Cut them at the root and remove the oldest leaves to help keep the plant fresh.

Timings and Position

Sowing Months: February – May
Harvest Months: July – October
Position: Full sun

Key information

Weight 0.005 kg
Dimensions 13.2 × 9.5 × 0.2 cm

Sow Month

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