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The oldest heirloom beetroot still in existence, estimated to be a 1,000 year old variety. Like its name sake, it has a rough skin resembling tree bark making it hardy and great for storing. Once peeled they are as tender and delicious as you’d expect from beetroot. Also known by its French translation Rouge Crapaudine.
Very cold tolerant.
Average 150 seeds.
408 in stock
85 in stock
134 in stock
74 in stock
Can be multisown in module trays from late February or sown direct outdoors from March to July in a sunny position. Germination will usually take 12 to 24 days. When sowing direct plant seed at a depth of 3cm in shallow drills. Protect young seedlings from birds.
As beetroot roots swell, harvest the largest roots to allow more room for others to grow larger.
Sowing Months: February – May Harvest Months: July – October Position: Full sun
Chef's Selection
Easy to Grow
February, March, April, May, June, July
219 in stock
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94 in stock
158 in stock
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