Home > Growing tips & recipes > Christmas Tree and Ginger Ice Cream 3 min read 23.12.2024 Christmas Tree and Ginger Ice Cream NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION (APPROX)Per ServingCalories2000kcalTotal Fat2176.9gSaturated Fat1344.7gCholesterol9153mgSodium3036mgTotal Carbohydrate265.9gDietary Fibre0gTotal Sugars127.7gProtein199.6gINGREDIENTS280g of Christmas tree needles 450ml double cream 170 ml whole milk 75g icing sugar 8 egg yolks 5 pieces stem ginger, choppedMETHODIn a heavy-bottomed saucepan whisk the cream, milk, sugar and egg yolks until well combined and keep on a low heat. Add the needles to the mixture and keep stirring so that the mixture doesn’t catch on the bottom or sides of the pan. Turn the heat up to medium after 15 minutes. When bubbles start appearing around the edge of the pan, the custard should be ready and can be taken off the heat. Sieve the mixture two or three times through a fine sieve so that no pine needles end up in the final ice cream mixture. Transfer the mixture to a tub or dish and leave to cool completely. Once cooled, transfer to the
freezer. Stir the mixture every hour and when it is beginning to freeze (about 2 hours) but not completely solid, add the chopped stem ginger and mix well. Continue stirring each hour until the ice cream is completely frozen. It should take about 4 hours. Once it is frozen, keep it in the freezer until ready to serve. Meet the author Nelly Nelly works in the She Grows Veg marketing department and is an incredible cook! She's learning how to grow veg fast in her very own container garden. Her favourites so far are the Dwarf Sunflower called 'Sunspot' and our Dwarf Pea called 'Tom Thumb'. Previous Pine Needle Syrup Next Christmas Tree Pickles